Let's admit it. People like drama. We like to argue, to judge, to assess, and to vocalize it. Even people that say they don't like drama, have to admit they curiously (and stalkery) sit and read through dramatic and downright dirty interactions on Facebook, while making their assessments and passing judgements. They just don't post them. They say them to a non-bias third party later for the sake of airing their masterful ability to opine righteously.
I love Facebook. I love keeping up with family. I love the platform. I love sharing experiences, testimonies, and wisdom. I even love a good, balanced debate that is handled with respect and maturity. The problem is that few are handled with respect and maturity.
The general trend on social media is this:
1. Someone gets the courage to post an opinion. The more controversial the topic, the more courage needed.
2. Someone reads it, disagrees, and will either sit thinking nasty thoughts about the poster or will comment those ugly thoughts beneath.
3. The poster, will engage in a logically fallacious match of mud slinging, ignore said commenter, or delete the post to avoid the tinge to his reputation.
Let's face it. Social media is drama central. Everyone has an opinion, and few of those people allow their love for others to trump that opinion.
I recently read the comments under a Chicken Dorito's Casserole recipe and literally had to sift through hundreds of commenters arguing over the health crisis in America. Today, I read another set of comments about Ferguson rioters. All over Facebook, people are arguing over things big and small.
Three adjective come to mind each and every time I read arguments on Facebook.
Some people seem to only know how to insult or communicate with vulgar language. Don't do that. It makes you look unintelligent. Not to mention it's mean. Scripture says, "do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful..." Is that nasty comment helpful? If not, then the sole reason for you saying it, is for your own good. How selfish. If your comment isn't meant to lovingly help anyone, then you are simply feeding your ego. Nasty comments are a waste of time, space, and energy; and they do nothing for your reputation. Stop doing that. You look like an idiot.
There's this thing on social media called a "troll." Those people that simply sit and scroll, looking to spread their dumb comments throughout the social media universe. These are people who, because they sit and "bored-scroll" Facebook all day long, they feel the need to interact with their public. So they post unnecessary and rude comments under articles, statuses, and photos. Idlers are gossipy and their primary purpose is to cause division. In the Bible, you read, "Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house (status to status). And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to." A book written almost two thousand years ago, just gave the best definition of a social media troll that I've read. So, Idle people, stop talking nonsense. Your only goal is to stir the pot and cause division. If your comments bring more arguing than peace, chances are, you're an idler. And idlers don't go to heaven. So, don't be an idler.
I think, we're moving up the ladder here, from least common to most common. Which, brings us to ignorant. The word ignorant basically means to not know something. The problem is that too many people do not know the somethings they like to talk about. This isn't just context. This is method, delivery, and vocabulary. If you decide to engage someone in a social media debate over an issue you find near and dear to your heart, please edit your posts. Please use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If you don't, nothing you say matters. Because the people who are worthy of contributing to the discussion will over look your comment and deem it as "ignorant." Now, this isn't just because of poor vocabulary. Ignorant also spans to subject matter. People love to express an opinion over a topic while it's cool. However, those people generally don't research said topic to make sure their opinion is rooted and balanced. Without that, your opinion is just empty words on thousands of screens held by people who think you are stupid. IF you decide to argue a subject, spend time researching your subject, and communicate effectively and in a loving fashion. And before you click "post" please make sure that what you have to say will actually help someone, and isn't just you trying to feel better about your position. Paul says it best with, "study to show yourself approved, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth." Will your words later embarrass you? Better yet, will they embarrass your faith? Are you walking in the Word of Truth?
So, peeps. Use social media. Engage in this effective and wonderful platform. But, don't be nasty, idle, ignorant people. Because there are way too many of those already.
PS - Expressing an opinion is fine. I say go for it! But not everyone's opinion is worth your comment (sometimes no matter how angry it may make you).
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