Sunday, April 3, 2016

On the Streets

Today is Day of the Pedestrian. Four times a year, here in Cochabamba, we get a Sunday where no vehicles are allowed on the street for almost the whole day. Most businesses are closed, except mainly for food. Everyone takes to the streets to ride bikes, walk the city, ride all sorts of things with wheels, and some ever roller-blade. Today, we slept in, had a late breakfast, celebrating with pancakes and sausages. It took me 3 weeks, but I finally was able to get ground pork, sage, and thyme, among other things to make some american style pork sausage. Something you cannot get in Bolivia. It was delicious. My pancakes are pretty much off the chain. #justsayin

After breakfast, we decided to go on a family walk to one of the main road, affectionately named "America." About 4 blocks in, my stomach started sending some red flags up, something was going afoul. So I said, we may have to take a break and sit for a while. We made it to America and sat in a beautiful shade and did some people watching. One of my favorite things to do is watch people. I guess my natural curiosity and a background in anthropology are to blame for that. I've put together some of my favorite shots today, and will share them here with some commentary. Enjoy my far-stretch at making this post more spiritual. :)

There is always something we can learn as we walk with our eyes open and searching for Christ in his creation. First, check out my shirt (Thanks Carol!). It says, "Wanna Taco 'bout Jesus? Lettuce pray." I realize it's a pun, but I love that talking about Jesus is followed with an expectation of prayer. Johnathon Edwards once said, "Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life." This is so true. I know I have often neglected my prayer life because of all the things I have to do. But it truly is the breath of our spirit. Imagine diving in the ocean to see the beauty of the reef, but that beauty will only last so long until you need to surface for breath. We certainly can enjoy the beauty of ministry, but endurance will come through a strong prayer life. Don't neglect this, friends! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Next, check out this man on what I presume is his daughter's bike. I'm hoping this blogsite lets you click on pictures to enlarge them. I've never tried it. Anyway, he is on a pink bike with long pink tassels. It even had pink basket or bag thing on the handle bars. This is hilarious to me because "machismo" is very big here in Latin America. Men are taught to be tough, care little, and go with the man flow. What's more is he has the most amazing dog ever. The fat pug who was flustering and grunting happily along with his owner. Just two points here. One, is that your identity isn't found in what the world expects, but in God's word. We as men, particularly, are called to love, to be an example, to provide, to protect, to instruct, to do so much. But we do not do it in our strength. I am constantly teaching these boys that a real man is a godly man, and godly men love others, forgive others, help others, and walk in humility. Strength comes from the Holy Spirit, not from our perceived "masculinity." Men walking upright in the Lord are a testimony of the change the gospel brings in our lives and hearts. I applaud you "man on pink girly bike." Confidence in Christ is much stronger than confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:1-4

Okay, one more. So this Lady was pulling her kids behind her on their riding toys. She just trucked along, while the kids rode happily saving their strength and energy while leeching off of their mom. Sorry, did I say leaching? Ever feel like this? Like you are just trucking along and pulling all the weight for someone else? I feel this way sometimes with my kids, with certain friends, and certainly in ministry. But you know what? We shouldn't feel this way. And, we shouldn't be leeches ourselves. Scripture says that we shouldn't be burdened so that others be eased, but that equality should be a goal (2 Corinthians 8:13). We walk arm-in-arm with our brothers and sisters in the Lord to encourage them spiritually while also meeting needs. But we need to be investors and also be invested in. We need to look for others to invest in and find others to invest in us, both naturally and spiritually. Eventually, this kid asked to be released and rode on his own. He now had strength and his mother's burden was eased. Give and take. If we give too much too quickly, we will grow weary quickly. If we give too little, we will resent the moments when we have to walk in greater strength through trial or test. Let's trust in the Lord to supply our strength, and look for opportunities to be discipled and to disciple others in Christ. Isaiah 40:31

This is just a few thoughts from today. Hope yours was as enjoyable as mine. It was a great day (and delicious). I'll leave you with a few more pics from today. Feel free to comment your own lessons and observations. :) God bless, friends!

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