Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Religious Hot Potato - Pass the Commitment (Church is Boring; Part 3)

Ever played Hot Potato? You pass the potato (or other object) around in a circle very quickly trying not to hang on to it too long and you surely don't want to be caught with it. Sometimes, church commitments and serving in church are treated much like the potato in this game. For some reason, we don't like to serve, we like to pass it along to someone else like it's a hot potato and we are afraid we'll be caught with it.

In part 2, we saw that the reason church is boring is because we don't do anything regardless of the fact that Jesus gave the church the command to "go." In part 1, we saw that what most churches do to attract newcomers is shallow and not long lasting, or, their culturally archaic tradition and structure is just not appealing to people. In part 3, I want to talk about what "going" looks like. Going looks a lot like doing. 

It's not that churches don't do anything, they do a LOT. The issue is that the doing is not spread among the whole church body - but only a few tired volunteers. The second layer to this issue is that the doing is usually and primarily focused on the church, not the community. This is where going and doing meet. It's not just the what, but the where. Take a moment and read through some of these verses. Just scroll your mouse over them and read them a few times through. 

Matthew 5:14-16
Philippians 2:1-4
Acts 20:35
Galatians 5:13-14
1 Peter 4:10-11

We see in James 1:22-25 that we deceive ourselves by simply listening to the word and not doing what it says. It says we are like a man who, after seeing himself in the mirror, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. A "Christian" who sits in church and hears the word deceives himself when he leaves and does not do. He only looks like a christian while sitting in church, but when he leaves he "at once forgets what he was like." 

I have two final points that I'll make brief, and hopefully they'll sum up this series. First, going and doing do NOT make the Christian. We are saved by grace through faith, a free gift of God, so that we cannot boast. In fact, if we boast, we are to boast in 1. the Lord (2 Corinthians 10:17) and 2. our weakness (2 Corinthians 11:30). Going and doing do NOT make the Christian, however, the true Christian will habitually and practically be both a goer and a doer. If the joy of our salvation does not prompt within us a desire to go and do for the sake of Christ, we must ask ourselves why. God says, "I will accomplish my purpose" (Isaiah 46:10). And he "works in man both to will and to do good works" (Philippians 2:13). He will surely use us for his purpose, and our salvation - our complete submission to our savior - will find satisfaction in doing the work of the father, as Christ did the work of the father. This is the product of our love for Jesus (John 14:15). 

Second (and last), going is not done in a church building. Serving in the nursery, greeting, children's ministry, worship team, choir, etc, etc, etc, are all great things that serve the body. They are needed. They are good. But they don't scratch the surface of the Christian duty. We are not called to primarily serve the body - but the least. We are called to live the gospel in our community, letting our "light shine among men" so that they can see our "good works." Serving our neighbors and community, building relationships with those around us, administering the truth of the gospel at every opportunity (Ephesians 5:16), sacrificing our time and money for the good of those around us rather than protecting our comfort - these are ways we go and do. Give. In every way possible, give. Give time during the week. Give energy to help those around you. Give money and resources to the ministry of the local church, to missions, to regional ministries. Give resources for the advancement of the gospel. "Love your neighbor as your self" (Mark 12:31) - do you want to be hungry, thirsty, homeless, desperate, hopeless, broken, abandoned, rejected, outcasted, lost? Going and doing is loving others as you love your self - even considering them above yourself. Why is church boring? That's easy. What we call the church is boring because it isn't being the church. "My sheep hear my voice...and they will follow me" (John 10:27). 

Check out this promo video from Katie Davis, founder of Amazima Ministries, about her book. She is a missionary in Africa, serving the least and foster mom to 14 girls. She is only in her early 20s. But as you watch and listen to her story - consider the fact that what she does in Africa can be done in your community too - to serve the least. We can go and do at home or across the seas. Seek first his kingdom, love the Lord with all your heart, and love your neighbor as your self. Grace and peace to you as you live to HIS glory! 

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