Sunday, December 8, 2013

Grace to the Humble

Humility is a lost virtue, it seems, in our great nation. We pride ourselves on our pride and sing songs of self-praise at our greatness. How often have you heard someone talk about our 'great nation'? Now, I am in no way saying I don't think we have a nice place to live. This land is bountiful. We've come a long way. We have freedoms that other nations do not. Our government and economy show national stability. But, am I the only one seeing a rise of pride, simply for the sake of pride, coming up through the ranks in our American culture?

Popular music is filled "I told you" or "My life is awesome" themed lyrics. We pride ourselves in our possessions, our popularity, our status, our toughness, how well we can tell off the customer service agent.... We suffer from pride-itis.

Scripture tells us that God "opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." The reason God opposes the proud is because at the root, pride opposes God. Pride is rooted in flesh. In our selfish motives. In every area where our flesh rules, pride is present. Paul says in Romans 8 that the flesh is enmity with God, that through our flesh it is impossible to please him. Pride, because it is opposition to our creator, is the limiter of our salvation.

Salvation is by GRACE through Faith in Christ Jesus. We often focus on the faith, which is simply the channel. Salvation is of the Lord, a free gift. You do not obtain salvation simply because of your faith. Without grace, there is no salvation. Faith is the vessel through which we can receive grace, and grace is for the humble. This is why salvation is the result of effectual gospel. Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation."

The gospel causes the illumination of our sin to occur within our gaze. The gospel reveals to us that under the law, we are condemned to eternity in hell with no way to save ourselves. There is nothing that we can do. This brings us low. This is where humility begins. The writer of Proverbs tells us that "humility is the beginning of wisdom." What is wisdom, but Christ manifest? The word became flesh - the Christ man. Christ is the wisdom and power of God. Thus, humility is the road that leads to Christ. It is the beacon which guides our ships to the shores of grace.

It is imperative, as we examine ourselves daily according to scripture, that we never lose sight of our sin, lest we lose sight of our grace. But thanks be to God, that it is not a matter of the keeping, but the seeking. Christ is faithful and HE will surely do it. We, being predestined to conformity to Christ, can trust that "God will work in us both to will and to do good works." Don't resist humility. By it, you receive grace. And this grace results in the garment of righteousness, which is Christ. Through it, you are more than a conqueror. In your weakness, His strength is perfected. So as for me, I will imitate Paul. "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness."

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